Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October Pumpkin Rides

The pumpkin patch has returned
October is here! Temps are reminiscent of late August but the signs of Fall are all around. While finishing up a ride on Sunday, (not encouraging for the upcoming King Challenge), I rode past the “pumpkin patch” down the street — an annual fundraiser at the Universalist church. I stopped to check out the great varieties of pumpkins on display, delivered from New Mexico the day before — white, green, yellow, orange, big, small, round and squatty. So fun. I had two rumpled single dollar bills on me, allowing me to purchase a small pumpkin. It’s so cute!

$2 got me this sweet little pumpkin that fit in my UD pack
Riding home with the pumpkin stuffed into my Ultimate Direction pack, I couldn't help but remember the time I rode out to Russell Orchards with Chippy during the Coffeeneurring Challenge in 2015. He wanted to bring home a pumpkin and brought his backpack along — ending up choosing two pumpkins for the trip home. Hahahahahaha.... that kid. I miss our rides together.

Coffeeneurring 2015, cider & donuts with Chip
Pumpkin #1
Pumpkin $2
The OG Pumpkin Ride, 2015