Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 28: 30 Days of Biking, "Recovery"

It's Day 28 and we're just 2 days away from the finish line of 30 Days of Biking! The cold, damp weather continues, and the sun won't arrive until later in the week. My final few days of the challenge may be short rides.

Today was my first day back to a training plan with Shayne as my coach, and he scheduled a "recovery" day today -- which I know is part of his plan, but it also came at a good time. I'm fighting a cold, and a thirty minute ride at zone 1, (easy pace), was all I could muster today anyway, so that was good.

I drove out to Marblehead Neck to get in some easy loops -- initially parking at Devereux Beach, which is usually empty at this time of year. Tonight, carnival trucks were moving in to get ready for the MHS senior class carnival that begins May 1st. (A town tradition and a fundraiser for the graduating class.) I biked over the causeway towards Marblehead Neck, having second thoughts on where I had parked the car -- so I turned around and headed back to the beach, where a few dragons had just settled in. (Wiser to park at the lighthouse instead.)

Just ten miles today... so cold.
