Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Having a hard time this week. I know it's only been a few days since my crash but the headaches are wearing me down. I was in a fog, feeling lightheaded for 2 days and just tried to suck it up and pretend all was well... but It's not working any more. Three days after my concussion and I feel like crap. The headaches linger. I feel like I just took a header into a concrete sidewalk. (Oh, wait... I DID!) It's taking longer to rebound than I expected. If I could just get rid of the headache and fog...

The orthopedic visit went o.k. -- The doctor wrapped my hand well and kept it in the cast the ER formed. He chose a fashionable ace bandage that matched the shirt I was wearing, which can be removed for showers as long as I keep in mind that I'm nursing a fracture. He kept three fingers free, which gives me a little more mobility with my right hand as long as I don't put any weight or pressure on it. Unfortunately, I'll spend 4 weeks in the splint/cast, which brings me right up to PMC weekend. Grumble, grumble...

YES... I WILL RIDE THE PMC. I will figure out a way to keep my training going and keep Will on track, too. It just might take a few days before my head clears and I can get a plan together.