Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 16: 30 Days of Biking, Inside/Outside

Today I had a "double" session of riding, starting with a P2 indoor course ride (on the computrainers) with the Wednesday Rec Riders -- Ruth, Mary, Lisa, Kristen, Lila, half of Brandi and me. Together we tackled the USAT Nationals St. Joe's course, 24.46 miles -- although only Lila completed the full course today. (I cut my ride short at 16.5.)

We woke to snow, ice, and brisk winds -- sapping my enthusiam to ride outside -- but I didn't want to lose a day of my 30 day outdoor challenge! So, after completing the course ride at P2, I rode an 8 mile random pattern along the edges of Salem and Marblehead to make up the miles that I cut short from the indoor course -- making a quick stop to grab a cup of coffee from the Salem Diner before they closed.
